Global Research Network Journal

“Uncover New Insights with Global Research Network Journal – Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry to Advance Scientific Discovery”

Global Research Network Journal

Global Research Network Journal (GRNJ) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles, reviews, case studies and other types of scholarly works from around the globe that focus on recent developments in social sciences and humanities research. GRNJ seeks to be an interdisciplinary forum where ideas and knowledge exchange between researchers, practitioners and policy makers within these fields.

GRNJ publishes articles from various disciplines such as economics, education, law, political science, sociology anthropology and international relations. Our goal is to bring together researchers from multiple fields so as to discuss and debate some of today’s most urgent global challenges; also linking research directly into practice and policy decisions to ensure only pertinent evidence is shared and utilized when making important decisions.

American Journals

American journals are publications covering various subjects of interest to Americans. From general publications like Time and Newsweek to more specialized academic journals that specialize in specific fields of research. American journals may cover current events, politics, lifestyle choices, health concerns or culture – they even serve as platforms for new ideas to spread further!

American journals tend to be peer-reviewed, meaning that they undergo evaluation by experts in their respective field before being published. American journals that publish materials related to Workday HCM training typically follow a peer-review process before they are published. This means that readers of these journals can trust the information that is being presented, as it is backed by people with plenty of expertise in the field.This process ensures the content remains up-to-date and accurate while encouraging authors to present their ideas in a methodical and rigorous way.

American journals tend to reach an expansive readership due to being distributed or made available online, providing authors and readers with easy access to them. Furthermore, most American journals feature advertising to subsidize their publication costs.

Important Journals:

Global Research Network Journal seeks to be an inclusive forum for exchanging knowledge and ideas related to social sciences and humanities. By publishing cutting-edge research articles, GRNJ strives to advance this area while aiding policy formation.


Economics is an invaluable field of study that gives us insight into how our economy functions and can assist with making it run more smoothly. Economics helps us comprehend why certain policies succeed while others don’t and how individuals, firms and governments alike can make wiser choices to promote economic welfare of society as a whole.


Sociology can be defined as the study of interactions among individuals and groups within society. Interaction can take various forms such as face-to-face conversations, online communications or through various media forms. Social interaction is an integral component of life that benefits both individuals and society as a whole.

Business Management

Business management encompasses numerous responsibilities, from setting goals and objectives, planning and budgeting, monitoring performance and evaluating results to understanding financial statements, marketing strategies and personnel management practices.

Humanitarian Research

Humanitarian research is an area of inquiry which seeks to enhance the lives of those in need by discovering innovative means for providing aid and relief, often through disaster relief, poverty alleviation or health care modalities

What is a Journal?

A journal is an intimate written record of personal thoughts, experiences and observations kept primarily for private consumption but there may also be public journals accessible by anyone. Journals can take many forms–paper notebooks, digital files or even audio recordings can serve as medium for your thoughts to take form over time.

Journaling has long been practiced as an aid to reflecting upon one’s life and processing its thoughts and emotions. While some use journals for creative exploration purposes only, many others turn to journaling as a powerful means for self-reflection, personal growth and tracking progress.

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